Tourism Research

The tourism research team consists of experienced practitioners and theoreticians from the fields of tourism, business administration, sociology and communication. In cooperation with business partners and with funding from the public sector, projects are carried out on various focal points: eTourism research, sustainability in tourism, innovation research, market and trend research, experience design, strategy and organisational development, as well as organising and carrying out lectures, training courses and congresses in these areas.

Tourism research / Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH
Urstein Süd 1
A 5412 Puch/Urstein
Tel.: +43-(0)50-2211-1368

Head of Tourism Research

Portrait of: FH-Prof. Mag. (FH) Mag. Dr. Jooss Mario , Bakk.
FH-Prof. Mag. (FH) Mag. Dr.
Head of Academic Area Innovation & Experience Management
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 222
T: +43-50-2211-1856

Team und Contact

Portrait of: FH-Prof. Neuhofer Barbara , BA, MA, PhD
Barbara Neuhofer, BA, MA, PhD
on leave
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 217
Portrait of: Mag. Wallinger Stefanie
Stefanie Wallinger
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 260

Main areas of research

and current research projects in tourism research.

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